This was made with Clip Studio Paint
This is a creature I made up for a world-building project. It is an axolotl that protects a forest and drives people away from the area. The background depicts a forest made of spiky metal trees. The visuals were based on the initiative from the U.S. Department of Energy to communicate to future humans that radioactive waste is in the area, or in some way keep them away from hazardous material. "The waste had been accumulating for the better part of 40 years and was likely to remain deadly to humans for at least 10,000 years." We would have no way to predict what society would look like in 10,000 years so they had to devise a way to communicate with someone who didn't speak any modern language and didn't know what radiation was. My favorites: Creating a religion to pass down the information, breeding cats that glow when exposed to radiation, and
This, a forest which was inspiration for my artwork. most of these solutions were thrown away for being impractical, impossible, or just wouldn't work. This study always fascinated me, and I wanted to come up with my own answer, which was a robot that would be able to self-repair and scare people to keep them safe.